
Newmember·1.unlockbootloader·2.Restore/unbrickdevice·3.installClockWorkModrecoveryBatversion·4.getrootaccessinrecovery ...,HowtocheckifyourbootloaderisunlockedandrootyourNvidiaTegraNote7Linktothreadonroot ...,tegranote7root後OTA更新問題器出場就是4.4.2,昨晚Root後,OTA下載2.3,一直更新失敗,也改過卡刷還是相同,想請問如何解決,否則變成不能更新了。,Requirements...Gettingrootisdoneintwosteps:first,w...

[Script] EVGA Nvidia Tegra Note 7 unbrick, unlock BL, install ...

New member · 1. unlock bootloader · 2. Restore / unbrick device · 3. install ClockWorkMod recovery Bat version · 4. get root access in recovery ...

Nvidia Tegra Note 7 ROOT and boot loader unlock test

How to check if your boot loader is unlocked and root your Nvidia Tegra Note 7 Link to thread on root ...

tegra note 7 root後OTA更新問題

tegra note 7 root後OTA更新問題 器出場就是4.4.2,昨晚Root後,OTA下載2.3,一直更新失敗,也改過卡刷還是相同,想請問如何解決,否則變成不能更新了。

[Guide] RootingUnlockingCustom Recovery Tegra Note 7 on 4.3

Requirements ... Getting root is done in two steps: first, we will unlock the bootloader, then boot a custom OS image that will add SuperSU to our ...

Rooting the TN7(P1640) with LP-5.1

I have a P1640 recently updated to lollipop 5.1. I was using a rooted 4.4.2(2.5) with TWRP-V3. I flashed the recovery image from 4.4.2 2.4.1 ...

Rooting Tegra Note 7 on 5.1 Lollipop

After you download Super Tool and start it up, it is pretty easy to unlock the bootloader or root your device.

GIGABYTE Tegra Note 7 4.4.2專用Root

從徐sir論壇轉載過來注意,此教學只適用於4.4.2跟4.3喔,4.2不要使用4.3因為把系統加上一個鎖,所以刷ROOT要多一道工序,要先把BOOT解鎖,然後刷入Recovery ...

Tegra Note 7 stock 4.3 rooted rom install

How to install a Stock android 4.3 rooted rom on the Nvidia Tegra Note 7 requirements unlocked bootloader and custom recovery installed Link ...

Fixing Lollipop 5.1 on the EVGA Tegra Note 7?

We have found the upgrade to be very much improved. The tablet is responsive and cool. The battery life is good again, and it charges completely in under 2 ...